Sales: 800-861-5098

Helping institutions and organizations deliver exceptional dental care.

Planet DDS and Apteryx services clients from various institutions and organizations across the country, including dental schools at higher education institutions, correctional facilities, and federally qualified health centers (FQHC).

Why Apteryx for institutions?


Full audit trails and user tracking, advanced firewalls, and HIPAA compliant.


Get up and running quickly with only a few hours of training.

Universally compatible

API functions enable interfacing with proprietary, custom, and internal systems with ease.


Apteryx not only provides us with a truly hardware-agnostic product, but they also provide us with a great support and development team. Their product was the front runner for us, and the customer service aspect really sold us on it.

Justin Aaron
IT Infrastructure & Support Manager, Park Dental

Best-in-class software for your organization.

Apteryx XVWeb

This leading cloud-based dental imaging software provides centralized storage and anytime, anywhere access, all while reducing your IT costs.

Apteryx XVWeb 3D

The XVWeb 3D module gives your team in-cloud access to an advanced 3D toolset, extensive implant library, and effect presets.

See how Apteryx XVWeb helped this dental practice cut costs.

XVWeb Midtown Dentistry

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