
How Groups and DSOs Can Easily Manage Internal Referrals to Specialists With Denticon
Now Available: The Internal Referral Management System, a Powerful Tool for Group Practices Planet DDS is excited to announce the launch of a new and exciting feature for Denticon users:...

How Digitally Mature DSOs Achieve a Competitive Advantage
The “chicken-or-the-egg?” The debate essentially revolves around what’s first. For dentistry – specifically DSOs – the discussion could revolve around being first in a digital sense. Even more specific: why...
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How a Cloud-Based Practice Management Solution Can Relieve Pain Points for Your DSO
If you’re leading a DSO it’s likely there are a variety of good reasons you chose that path. Now that you’re invested, complexity is something to be reckoned with. Leading...

Keep the Operating Costs of Your Private Dental Practice Healthy
“Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship.” Benjamin Franklin’s wisdom has bold application for how you monitor the operating costs for your private dental practice....
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A Buyer’s Guide: Choosing the Right Software for 3D Dental Imaging
If your dental practice uses 3D imaging like cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, your imaging software plays a crucial role in streamlining your imaging workflow. To make sure you find...
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Debunking 9 Common Myths About Cloud Security and Those That Impact Dentistry
“Move to the cloud,” they said. “Everything will be secure,” they said. You either believe the part about security or you vacillate because you believe the myths about the cloud....
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Why Denticon is Superior to a Paper-Based System
Something is considered “superior” when it achieves a certain status. As relates to how you store, manage, and access your dental practice data a cloud-based system is superior to paper-based...
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How Cloud-Based, Open-Architecture Imaging Software Can Potentially Save your DSO $ 1.7 million
If your office is a multi-location dental service organization (DSO) and it’s time for a server refresh, read this article to see how Apteryx Imaging’s XVWeb can potentially save a...

Why the Cloud is Right for Your Solo Dental Practice, Private Group Practice, or DSO
There’s more to your dental practice data and it’s management than storage. That consideration and more could help you understand why the cloud is right for you and your dental...
Spend more time with patients, less time on paperwork.