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Dental X-Ray Software: Top 6 Reasons Why DSOs Need Central Access

By Planet DDS
August 16, 2021

DSOs and group dental practices can use dental X-ray software to manage images. From 2D X-rays to 3D CBCT scans, image files take up a lot of space, and the last thing a DSO needs is a cumbersome way of managing and accessing these images across multiple offices. Let’s unpack the top five benefits of cloud-based central access for DSOs.

The dental industry runs far behind other industries when it comes to cloud adoption with an estimated 15% of practices using the cloud. But dentists who have experienced cloud-based imaging software say they can’t ever go back to the old way. Here’s why:

  1. Organized, Efficient Access To Dental X-Ray Software

Is your DSO striving for efficiency while clinging to legacy systems?

It’s not easy when each office is saving images using different software, storing them in separate places, and maybe even using inconsistent file formats. Each of these inefficiencies slows down your practice and creates a bad user experience for you, your staff and, ultimately, your patients.

With cloud-based software like Apteryx XVWeb, you can access images across your entire organization. Even if each office uses different imaging sensors or devices, no problem. Open-architecture XVWeb works with all major devices to provide much-needed continuity across all locations for better imaging workflow.

  1. Investing In The Latest And Greatest Dental X-Ray Software

Server-based software has had its day, and for some time now, it’s been on its way out. According to one study, cloud computing for the healthcare industry is expected to grow over 25% between 2020-2024. The dental industry isn’t far behind and since we know it’s a matter of time before cloud solutions overtake server-based solutions, why not stay ahead of the pack?

Particularly for DSOs, adopting the right technology is key to growing your DSO. Much like holding onto volumes of dusty encyclopedias, clinging to outdated technology restricts your DSO’s ability to do more.

  1. Improved Collaboration

As a DSO with multiple locations and perhaps multiple specialties, seamless collaboration should be a top priority. Each day, your dental practice needs to be able to share images across offices, between providers, with external laboratories, and with insurance companies.

While we as consumers enjoy live-streaming shows and music on our phones, tablets, and laptops, many dental offices still burn CDs to share images. Instead of wasting time and resources on burning CDs, with XVWeb, you can instantly share images securely for faster collaboration and a better patient experience.

  1. Heightened Security

Storing your patient’s data in an onsite server leaves your DSO or group practice vulnerable to cyberattacks, natural disasters, and equipment failure. Your IT team needs to manage multiple servers at different locations, possibly running on different systems, all of which need to be HIPAA compliant and constantly monitored, updated, and backed up.

It’s up to your IT team to budget for disaster recovery, backup service, intrusion detection, imaging software licenses, software updates/upgrades, server refresh, and manage permissions and controls for end-users. Your IT team will inevitably run into increasingly complex scaling issues as your DSO grows by managing these in-house.

A far easier way is to have a cloud-based imaging software like XVWeb manage all these IT services across all of your locations. Standardizing with cloud-based imaging software allows for automatic and infinite scaling with your growing DSO. Justin Aaron, IT Infrastructure and Support Manager of our client, Park Dental shared, “The XVWeb cloud-hosted product, gave us the growth opportunities we needed, along with the most up-to-date imaging product and features, all at an affordable price.”

As new upgrades/updates are rolled out, there’s no lag time as the software is continuously updated, so your entire organization can always enjoy the latest version of our software. We help you stay HIPAA compliant by securely storing your patients’ images and through continuous backups. In so doing, we also protect your data from natural disasters or cyberattacks.

  1. IT Savings

Not only are server-based systems vulnerable to security threats, but they’re far more expensive than cloud-based software, too. Physically storing images in an onsite server is a very costly proposition.

Server costs can range from $3,000 to even $100,000 for an enterprise server, depending on the amount of imaging data your DSO houses. Of course, as your DSO grows, so too do your server costs. Unlike predictable cloud subscriptions, servers become obsolete about every three years and need to be replaced at a very high upfront cost. In one case, our client saved an estimated $1.7 million in server costs by switching to XVWeb.

  1. Infinite Scaling And Storage

Unlike server-based systems, cloud-based imaging software has the infinite capacity to grow with the needs of your DSO. That means, as your DSO grows, you won’t outgrow your cloud storage the way you would with a server. For an affordable monthly subscription, you invest in technology that your DSO will never outgrow. Compare this to the static technology of the server model, which is designed to become outdated and obsolete every few years. Even if you bought the best server currently available, it is destined to soon become yesterday’s technology. With cloud-based XVWeb, our technology is poised to scale and grow with your DSO indefinitely.

Dental X-Ray Software: Conclusion

Find out why our clients say they can never go back to the old server-based way. With Apteryx XVWeb, the software accelerates the growth of your DSO or group instead of impeding it. Contact us for a quick, no-obligation quote to find out how XVWeb can help your growing DSO.