If your office is a multi-location dental service organization (DSO) and it’s time for a server refresh, read this article to see how Apteryx Imaging’s XVWeb can potentially save a lot of money for your organization. In one example, we were able to save our client an estimated $1.7 million.
Dental X-rays have a history of over 125 years. A German physicist named Wilhelm Roentgen was the first to discovery X-rays. Just two weeks later, the very first dental X-ray was taken in December of 1895. Since that first X-ray, dental imaging has evolved into a highly sophisticated tool used by dentists and oral health professionals for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
In modern times, with the advent of technologies such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and other 3D technologies, dental images are providing dental professionals more data about patient’s oral health than ever before. These breakthrough technologies help dentists and oral health professionals improve their diagnostic accuracy and promote earlier detection of dental diseases. But an incidental consequence of having more data in these images is increasingly larger file sizes.
If your practice is housing its own imaging data, the cost of replacing imaging servers is a considerable expense. Unlike cloud technology, servers become outdated and obsolete in about 3-5 years. While it’s true that large DSOs have considerable purchasing power when it comes to imaging hardware and server costs, the sheer number of locations that it supports can lead to a substantial impact on its bottom line.
How Can Cloud-Based Imaging Software Save Your DSO Money?
So how much money does a DSO spend on updating its imaging server? Initial costs of installation at each location can be upwards of $10,000 depending on the server system, including hardware, installation, training, and software. Then, as an ongoing matter, there are monthly maintenance fees, software update costs, technical support costs, all of which can add up to over $150 per month. Then, these costs are multiplied across all locations that a DSO manages. You can quickly see how these costs can snowball into the hundreds of thousands, if not over a million dollars.
That scenario was exactly what our client was faced with when their DSO needed to refresh their imaging servers. This large DSO had close to 350 locations and considered replacing servers at every location at an average cost of $5,000 each. When they combined the cost of hardware, annual maintenance fees, and other expenses across all locations, the estimated cost exceeded $1.7 million.
And what would that $1.7 million buy them? Another server-based system that would become obsolete and need to be replaced in a few years.
Luckily, that client considered several options and chose to go with Apteryx XVWeb for its cloud-based, scalable solution.
Forecast for Dentistry: Not Yet Completely Cloud-y
An estimated 10-15% of dental practices have adopted the cloud. This is in stark contrast to most other industries. Almost 90% of businesses across all industries have already adopted the cloud. Put another way; many dental practices fall into the “laggards” category for cloud adoption.
So, why hasn’t the dental industry adopted the cloud at the same rate and enthusiasm of other industries? Peter Drucker, management thought leader, once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” When organizations struggle to adopt new technology, there tend to be cultural hurdles such as focusing on keeping the status quo, looking for “quick wins” instead of developing long term strategy, and concerns about conversion.
Ironically, DSOs have much to gain by taking advantage of cloud solutions. Cloud-based imaging software is designed to scale with the growing DSO. Adopting cloud-solutions helps your DSO avoid choosing quick wins and instead focus on long-term growth.
Not All Imaging Software is Created Equal
Typically, as a DSO grows, it will acquire an existing practice instead of opening a de novo practice. Given that DSOs need secure data-sharing across offices, the faster a newly acquired office can integrate with the central DSO office, the better.
With the many number of imaging hardware, practice management solutions, and server systems in the marketplace, it is unlikely that each existing practice that the DSO acquires will be using the same hardware and solutions. That means, if the imaging solution that your DSO uses is not open architecture, there is an enormous cost to convert to a new system. This is in addition to the ongoing costs of replacing on-site servers.
Taking the same scenario, a DSO that utilizes the open architecture of Apteryx XVWeb can easily integrate with a new acquisition, no matter what imaging hardware or practice management solution that office has in place. And with a cloud solution, you have the option to do away with on-site servers. As your DSO grows, there are no growing pains associated with new hardware or software because Apteryx XVWeb is open-architecture and designed to scale with your organization, whether it’s two locations or hundreds.
Unlike our competitors, Apteryx XVWeb as a cloud solution can scale, and because of its open architecture design, your DSO can use Apteryx XVWeb at all its locations, no matter what hardware or practice management solution that office uses. And as your DSO grows, Apteryx XVWeb will continue to be compatible with the imaging hardware and practice management solution of any practice that you acquire.
Learn more about how Apteryx Imaging Solution XVWeb can help your practice save time and money.